
Poking around an aquaintance’s website, I find a link to Torn Curtains. I’m still trying to make my mind up about this sort of thing – is it an excuse for some angsty teens and twentysomethings who ought to know better to talk self-indulgently about themselves, or is it an interesting look into the minds of other people?

Which of course leads us into the debate about the value of on-line journals. Given that these are clearly written to be viewed by other people, how far can they be trusted? I mean, I know I don’t admit to a fair number of things here that I might do in a private journal. And y’know, if I’m going to censor myself like that, then don’t I have some sort of responsibility to those that do read it not to vanish up my own arse in self-aggrandising “see how deep I am for answering these meaningful questions?” Some obligation to actually be entertaining?

I might continue this later, but right now, I’m leaving work, so I’ll just post this and think some more…

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