There are quite a number of people who pledged cash in exchange for the shaving of my head. And while many of you have already stumped up, there’s a fair number that haven’t yet.
I’m sure there are plenty of you that are just waiting for payday, or things like that, but I just thought I’d remind you about it, in case it’s just slipped people’s minds.
Donate here:
(Those of you who might be waiting to give me the cash in person: please don’t. If you donate through that link, then the tax (assuming you’re not foreign( is automatically claimed back for the charity. If however, I get money from you, then donate for you and enter it as “cash recieved off-line” then for legal reasons, that site cannot claim the tax back for Cancer Reasearch. You have until June 3rd, at which point the donations page will shut down.)