Anyone who has seen my desktop will know it tends to er, fill up a bit. So let's see if this makes it easier for me to manage my home work flow. (I know it won't work in the office, because of the sheer amount of random crap I need to get swift access to in any given week…)
I finally got around to watching Helevtica (the film about the font) while I was away at the weekend, and it was really very good. I look forward to seeing this.
On the difference between Oliver Postgate's heyday and now: "There are no children, there are no adults, there is no wonder: only adolescents in waiting, being spoken to by screamingly selfconscious adolescents in their twenties and thirties."
What it says on the tin. I'd need to play with it a bit to get it to work for me, but I do like the basic structure.
Yes, I shall be wanting some of these for my phone, for those times when I get bored of my own photos.
May of these are superb, and I would be delighted to own them. Just, y'know, saying.
Digg/Reddit type site for design/branding/media stuff.
I am torn between awe at these pictures, and horror at the events they depict. Even if you don't normally look at the photography links I post, you can't afford to miss this one.