Links for Wednesday January 5th 2011 through Thursday January 6th 2011

  • The Tearoom of Despair: Last night The Invisibles saved my life (24-month countdown remix)
    If you have not read the Invisibles then you should have. If you have read the Invisibles then you may enjoy this reminiscence of the experience of reading it for the first time.
  • Ninth Art: for the discerning reader
    Minor pleasure of the day: getting 9A back on one of it's original two domains. If the person who jumped on the instant that ISP incompetence cause it to lapse is reading this: please can we have it back? There's still hundreds of links pointing to your site that are dead. I will buy you the domain of your choice in exchange?
  • Android Isn’t About Building a Mobile Platform | TightWind
    Solid analysis of Google's behaviour and strategy in respect of Android and the bigger picture. It's why I tend to call bullshit on their mantra a bit re: their evilness, because I would prefer to be the customer, not the product sold. I will admit that for a company set on selling me as a product, they provide a much better service than most in exchange, but even that's not all good, as it means they tend to blow away paid-for competition that does stuff (or might do stuff) better than they do.

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