I’m watching BBC2’s “The Big Read”. Two foul travesties have occured. Firstly, Jilly Cooper won the “Author’s Weakest Link”. That was bad enough. But she won about seven and a half thousand pounds for charity. And what’s she doing with it? She’s donating it to a society that wants to put up a statue in London, as a memoiral to all the animals that have been killed in wars. That’s just fucking sickening.
Point 1: I’m a damn sight more concerned about all the fucking people that have died in wars than their bastard cats.
Point 2: It’s not fucking helping anyone. Charityable donations should be making life better for people with a pulse. If you can’t manage the people part then fuck, I’ll settle anything with a pulse. A statue to dead things, and worse, dead fucking pets is not a charitable act, it’s a memorial. Gah!
And the second travesty? It turns out that I have to dump Fin, because Martine McCutcheon’s favourite book is Perfume by Patrick Suskind, and there’s no way I can date someone who shares their favourite book with Tiffany out of Eastenders. Sorry.
A statue to dead things, and worse, dead fucking pets is not a charitable act, it’s a memorial. Gah!
And a bloody self-indulgent one at that. Grrrr.
there’s no way I can date someone who shares their favourite book with Tiffany out of Eastenders. Sorry.
I feel your pain.
Dumped on LJ!!!
What bad netiquette!!
By the way, the only reason it’s her favourite book is because I’m so cool she just HAD to copy me :)
She’s donating it to a society that wants to put up a statue in London, as a memoiral to all the animals that have been killed in wars. That’s just fucking sickening.
That’s quite funny really. Just goes to show that she’s really part of the silver spoon crowd; most of them live in a fantasy reality and for the most part don’t know how the real world works. Although in her defence because I’m in an argumentitive mood…
Point 1: You’re concerned about the people. I’m concerned about the people. Most people are concerned about the people. Maybe it’s about time that we acknowledged that it’s not just people that die in wars.
Point 2: Statues are good, statues give us a prominent and visual reminder of history, and history should be remembered. Burying it in a book isn’t often good enough, we need to be reminded to cherish what we have because people, and animals, have died for us and our way of life and it’s all too easy to forget them.
Besides which she won the money so she’s entitled to give it to whatever charity she wants.
Hey, Al! Your Girlfiends a babe! Gnur hur hur hur
Ahem. Sorry Finn. What I was trying to say was what a pretty user pic *grins*
thank you.
Your Girlfiends a babe!
Tell me something I don’t know… :)
i think
… i used to quite fancy tiff.. my kinda gal…