1) A Trip To London In Maps. Highly recommended. You can see what it did to my head here.
2) Dead Air and Digitalia now fire a notification of to my Twitter stream whenever they are updated. This sort of thing is irrelevant bollocks to most of you, but I feel a certain professional obligation to play with web services like this, just to see how I wind up using them, so that I can point clients/employers at them when relevant.
3) In a similar vein, I have updated my aggregator site, so that it pulls in my myspace blog, althought naturally mpsacks don’t do anything so considerate as provide a full content feed, despite the fact that the content is mine…. I’ve also added some what we are apparently now pleased to call a “lifestream” to the site. It seems like a logical fit with the general purpose of having that site, and again, it may have possible professional uses.
4) I’ve made a start on the first serious post for my myspacks account, and will get on with more on Wednesday. In case any of you are wondering what I’m suddenly doing with all this myspacks nonsense, I’m over there for purely self-promotional purposes. I’ve got some plans for next year that will mean I want to try to build an audience for some work, and I think myspace may be useful in doing it. The blog there is going to be a load of waffle about Art, at least to start with.
5) I’ve gone through the few shots I’ve taken recently, and generally sodded about with photos.
This holiday business is all quite tiring, really.
I’m out all day tomorrow, so if you could all try not to do anything interesting that I’ll need to know about until Wednesday, that’d be ace.