[Update notice Black Ink has new content.]
A good weekend, although I’m in some pain now. Ran the first installment of the game, and I think it went well. Shunted some material out of it, which is probably just as well – I knew I wanted a long session for the first one, but it would have been of murderous length if I’d kept it all in. There’s time for strange machines and peculiar symbolism later on. Out of curiosty, do any of the roleplayers on my friends list have any means they use to estimate the length of time that a given amount of material will run?
And then, clubbing, for which I am paying today. Ow. Still a little confused as to why my wrists ache worse than my shoulders, but there we go…
In other news, I’m in Edinburgh for the bank holiday weekend, and will be available for, y’know, social engagements. I’m busy Monday night, and I’m not likely to be free til late on Friday or Saturday, as I’ve got family wedding type things to do, but if people are likely to be out late (11pm+ at a guess) then I’m happy to join the fun at that point, and I’ve all day Sunday, and Monday daytime free if anyone would care to clog my hours up…