Testament went well on Sunday. The players-only website for it, less so – I underestimated the complexity of the task I’d set myself, and have been hacking some fairly nasty javascript in spare moments all week to make it work. And even once I’ve got that done, that’s essentially just the player-relevant side of it done, I’ve still got some ref tools to finish.
The blog post I wrote on feminism did it’s job – it made me think, made me revise some views, hopefully making me a better person, and inspired one of the most interesting comments discussions I’ve seen on my blog. I want to be writing one post of about that scale/length a fortnight this year, and ideally once a week. I need to come up with a list of topics for myself.
Progress on personal blogging-related project: very limited. It’s the sort of thing that requires me to have entire hours spare to sit and chip away at it, and I just haven’t had those this week – Testament has eaten them all.
Gym visits: none. Breaking this streak is priority one next week.
Number of links bookmarked on delicious: 6
Album of the week: John Barleycorn Reborn, on constant play on the bus.