Mostly, I took pictures of small children.
I recall seeing Grumpy Old Men do a christmas special a few years back (back before John Peel died, anyway) in which someone lamented the way that what you ask someone how their Christmas was, they always answer, at best, “alright”. Those that have had miserable chirstmases may be more downbeat still, but that, for such a hotly anticpated season, everyone always seems to have had a Christmas that fell slightly flat. Well, not me.
I had a bloody marvellous Christmas. I honestly don’t know when I’ve enjoyed one as much. No internet, no TV (although we did play on a Wii for a bit on Boxing Day evening), no eating till I burst or drinking myself into a stupor. Just a few days away with my family, the whole time spent enjoying each other’s company. All those cliches of what Christmas should be about: that’s exactly what we had. And it was fantastic.
My sympathies to those of you who have spent your christmas in the arena of the unwell, of which their seem to be rather a number of you.
And so to the next big thing: Lacking anything better to do, I’m going to Slimeshite for New Year. Am I likely to see anyone there?