- motion and rest · Nick Sweeney
This made me think, and is worth looking it. I'm not actually sure how to summaries it without simply obviating the need to read it in full, so really, just go look if you're interested in the internet and mobile devices and IoT type stuff.
Author Archives: Alasdair
Links for Tuesday March 10th 2015
- Styleguide for tube line display on the web
Took me 20 mins to google this up, need it for work, don't want to have to do that again.
Links for Friday March 6th 2015
- Most common git screwups/questions and solutions – 41J Blog
I know most of these in an abstract way. And yet, every time I need several of them, I find myself scratching my head, thinking "how do I do that again?". So I will want this for future reference.
Links for Thursday March 5th 2015
- Sixteen Years | MetaTalk
Matt Haughey is retiring from Metafilter. I've never been part of the site's community, but I have always loved it, enjoyed reading the wonderful things that came out of it, and appreciated the work he has done in building the site, the community and the team that will now run it. I wish him every success in his future endeavours. - Amuse Your Bouche – Simple vegetarian recipes
I want to eat a bit more healthily, and a fast way to do that would be more vegetarian cooking. There's several things on here I really want to try.
Links for Monday March 2nd 2015
- Big List of Apocalypse World Hacks – Spreadsheet – Google Sheets
Just what it says on the URL. Of particular delight to me is Moomin World, which looks to be a pretty well judged engine for running games based on a wide range of children's fiction.
Links for Thursday February 19th 2015
- Filtered for SAAS (17 Feb., 2015, at Interconnected)
Lot of job-relevant stuff to dig into here.
Links for Thursday February 19th 2015
- Syllabus | MAS S66: Indistinguishable From… Magic as Interface, Technology, and Tradition
I would sell a kidney to attend this class.
Links for Wednesday February 18th 2015
- Sublime Text 3 perfect PHP development set-up – wasil.org
I've switched from a full IDE to Sublime over the last couple of weeks, but I've already had to set it up twice (not a flaw in Sublime – I've changed machines a couple of times at work), and am about to do it for a third time, and every time I wind up looking this page up.
Links for Wednesday February 11th 2015
- I’m Brianna Wu, And I’m Risking My Life Standing Up To Gamergate | Bustle
Like most poeple I know, I wish to god there was something I useful I could do about this hateful shit. But actually, all I can do it repost the link, say that the kind of stuff that Ms Wu and other suffer from day in day out is *not* OK, and hope the people who can do something, do do something. - Totally Mexico! How the Nathan Barley nightmare came true | Television & radio | The Guardian
I mean, it's not news to anyone, but I dunno, this is still kind of chilling.
Absolutely Not Weeknotes
For a start, they’re so very 2013. For another thing, the last time I did them, I kept them up for about a fortnight. But in keep with my general resolution to document what I’ve been up to a bit better, just for the sake of remembering it all in years to come, a brief round of boring you all with What I Done Did This Week:
- Went to see a weird theatre piece in the Waterloo tunnels, about the old Necropolis railway, and about our modern relationship with death. Combination of a guided walk and a theatre bit, it was hard to tell what was actual history, and what was made up because it made for good theatre. Annoyingly the bit I found most interesting/amusing – the source of a pub name – is one of things I haven’t been able to substantiate.
- The Six Nations has started back up, and I had folk round to watch Saturday’s matches. Teenage me is spinning in his grave – I had fun watching sport. A few rounds of board games thereafter, including a few hands of my newly-purchased Skulls and Roses, which I am filing along with Perudo as a good game for a whisky and cigars type evening.
- Went to Dishoom for the first time, for Stu and Andrea’s birthday meal. Really lovely night out, both for the company and the food. Had never thought to associate curry with being comfort food before, but the general tenor of several of the dishes is absolutely the sort of thing I would want a big bowl of when I’m unwell.
The week ahead holds fun with TfL APIs at work, which I’m quite looking forward to, a couple of lots of gaming, and I want to start some more “serious” research for a pseudo-historical game I want to start later in the year, sent in the wake of the Albigensian Crusades.