Links for Friday May 23rd 2014

  • On the Future of MetaFilter –
    Marco Arment discussing the Google-inflicted problems MetaFilter are having, pretty much nails what I consider a reasonable and sane attitude to Google: "People wonder why I’m so skeptical of Google and careful not to rely on them for too much. This is why: they’re in this unassailable position of absolute monopoly power for such a massive part of web publishing because too many people aren’t so skeptical."

Links for Thursday May 22nd 2014

  • Signs from the near future
    On the one hand, this is interesting because it's about the practical applications of design. On the other, quite a lot of these feel a bit retro-future to me. Which is kind of weird, and an idea I probably want to explore a bit in some form when time permits.
  • On the Future of MetaFilter — Technology Musings — Medium
    Relatedly to one of today's other links here's a write up of what's going on with Metafilter, which basically comes down to "it's business model is built on Google being helpful in a specific way". Which is a flaw in their model, but it's also an interested outside perspective on things changing inside the Google black box.
  • Jeremy Palmer — Google is Breaking the Internet
    This is insane to me. I know I'm on record as not being a Google cheerleader, but this is weird, even for them – their business is built on accurately rating the trustworthiness of links, and yet they're mis-classifying trustworthy links as untrustworthy? This says to me that something is broken internally in Google, and if they don't get if fixed, it's going to be long-term bad for *everyone*. I'd like to see this do the rounds and get outcry about it, not because I believe Google are being Evil here, but because I think they need to be made very aware of the mistake, for everyone's good, including theirs.
  • Read This If All You Know About Hyenas Came From The Lion King
    OK, I now understand why Del is a fan of these creatures. Absolutely fascinating.

Links for Wednesday April 30th 2014

  • Programming Sucks
    If you ever wonder what it is I do all day (and I don't blame you, a lot of the time I wonder the same thing), then I suggest you read this. It is pretty much the most perfect encapsulation of my daily working life I have ever encountered, and, I should point out, has been true everywhere I have worked. Warning: after read this, you may never wish to use the internet again.
  • Another Way To Breathe – WicDiv Playlist: Alice
    Kieron on The Sisters of Mercy, their place in his life (a very similar one to mine, and a lot of other people, I suspect), and their place in his upcoming work. Well worth a read.

Links for Tuesday April 29th 2014

  • Gerry Conway: The ComiXology Outrage |
    Legendary comics artist Gerry Conway breaks down the ways that this Comixology business will be bad for independent creators.
  • The ComiXology Outrage
    Marco Arment on Gerry Conway on Comixology and Amazon. Specifically, he's making the point while Conway is correct to blame for the changes, the changes are nevertheless simply Amazon doing what it always does, and the Comixology were irresponsible in selling out a behemoth with a proven track record of being bad for publishers and independent creators.

Comixology, Amazon and Apple

Twitter is a pain in the arse, isn’t it? Someone says something you want to engage with, but you can’t really express a nuanced difference of opinion in 140 characters or less. So a lot of the “debate” I’ve seen on Twitter about Comixology’s changes has basically been people some people saying “Amazon are bad!” and others saying “No, Apple are bad, and it’s reasonable for Amazon to want to get away from them!”

(I should perhaps say that if you really don’t give two shits about how digital comics are bought and sold, you should look away now. I am obviously pretty exercised about this, and likely to go on at length, because this touches on both my profession and one of my nerdy interests.)

If you’re still here, and don’t know what I’m talking about, popular (indeed, pretty much monopolistic in real terms) digital comic merchant Comixology were purchased by Amazon a few weeks ago.

And then a couple of days ago, they announced that they were updating their applications, to change the purchase mechanism. For Android users, this just meant having to re-enter their credit card details, then business as usual. For iOs users, this meant they they could no longer make in-app purchases, and the purchasing experience has been degraded the same nigh-unusable state that Kindle purchases are on iOS – you are required to quit the reading app, use a web browser to navigate on on-line store, make your purchases, log in on the website (requiring a switch to a password manager and back again) and then make your purchases before returning to the comics app to read them. From being a one-click process, it has become a multi-stage process requiring 5 switches between 3 different apps, if you’re on iOS, while Android users still get the same simple experience.

Amazon’s reason for the change is, of course, purely commercial. They’re gambling that the sales they lose through this awful, awful user experience will be less that 30% of their iOS revenue, thereby making them a net gain, because they no longer have to pay Apple 30% of their in-app sales.

I am really, really hoping they’re wrong, and that they’ll have to re-instate the thing in a couple of months, because I think I need to stop buying comics on a point of professional principle.

On a professional level, I believe that offering one group of your users a much worse user experience than another, simply because of the device they use, is indefensible. An aside: I would be interested to see if this was challengeable under disability rights legislation. Probably not, but my objection is basically the same principle – if you are operating an on-line service, I believe you have a duty to your customers to treat them all as equally as it is possible to do. The only possible defence to this in my view is that a given user is on a device that is not capable of providing the service. This is not the case here. Amazon/Comixology are simply making it clear that they’re willing to force bad UX on some customers, simply because they don’t like the platform as much.

So what’s the other side of the argument, then? Who am I disagreeing with?

Those people who are welcoming the move are arguing that Apple are censorious, and they their 30% cut of app store revenue is inherently unreasonable, that Apple’s fixation on forcing things to be purchased through their app store is a blow against net neutrality, and in a few of the more deranged cases, arguing that anyone who says otherwise is basically a Cupertino-worshiping sheep, who has been scammed into believing that Apple should be allowed to take a 30% cut of the proceeds.

These points aren’t without merit.

I am honestly not sure that a 30% cut of in app purchases in entirely merited. I think a 30% of the actual app sales is OK, I’m less sure about in-app purchases.

But taking a second to look at the numbers, one gets a different story. The best set I could find are about a year old, but I don’t think much has happened to massively disrupt the picture they paint, which is that excluding their own apps (which are both extremely popular, and relatively expensive, and skew the numbers quite significantly), Apple make about 1-2% profit margin on the App Store and iTunes.

So they take a 30% revenue cut, but most of that is eaten by operating costs, because it’s not cheap to run a system that complex. And as it turns out the actual margins they make are pretty small. On the face of it, that doesn’t seem unreasonable greedy to me.

Those figures don’t break in-app purchases out as separate figures, but I imagine they’re the same – I don’t imagine the hosting costs for Apple to mechanically enable in-app purchases are any different from those of apps. So the margins will presumably be similar.

I do not believe the app store is a blow against net neutrality, and anyone arguing that it is is fundamentally misunderstanding and misrepresenting net neutrality in a harmful way and ought to stop. Net Neutrality is about technical-level bandwidth and traffic routing, and if you want a term to suggest that you consider walled gardens to be harmful (a position I agree with) please find another one.

I don’t think Apple have built a walled garden in iOS, and the way I think we can tell they haven’t is because Amazon can do this with Comixology. They haven’t prevented anyone from re-implementing purchasing on iOS, all they’ve said is that if you want to do it in a user-friendly way, using the technology that they’ve built, consuming computing resources that they supply, you have to cut them in, to the tune that enables them to make a 1-2% profit.

Yes, you could argue that Apple have implemented their platform in a way that makes it hard to re-implement purchasing, but I honestly believe (based on conversations with serious iOS developers) that this is largely done in the name of user security. As in, the complexity is a feature of design decisions based on building a more secure, stable and responsive platform, not a deliberate decision to make things harder for other people. I won’t deny it’s to Apple’s benefit, but I think that’s a happy (from Apple’s point of view) side-effect of their real focus.

Last one, then: Apple are censorious.

True. Simply flat out true. Apple have made some determinations about what they’re willing to sell through their stores, and they won’t sell material they believe is in contravention of that. And some good works have fallen foul of it, particularly via Comixology, funnily enough. They’re not truly censorious, in that they don’t stop anything being produced or distributed, they just won’t take any part in the distribution of anything they don’t like, and what they don’t like is a pretty wide definition of “porn”.

I can’t say Apple don’t have the right to do that, but it irks me that they use it. It would, perhaps, irk me less if they were consistent, but Apple’s content reviewers are notoriously fickle and inconsistent. Personally, I’d like to see an 18+ option added to their stores, but I do understand why that might not be high on the priority list. (Largely: it would almost certainly massively spike traffic/server loads as people started selling porn via iTunes *and* would come with a lot of “protect the kids” hassles. Basically: internet porn is, ironically, almost all downside for anyone whose core internet business isn’t porn.)

But yes, Apple have opted to be censorious in what they accept into their stores. It is annoying, if understandable, and I wish very much they did it better.

About all I can say is that, to their credit Comixology are not attempting to paint this as an attempt to get round the evil censors. Because it isn’t that, but I can understand why people might be relieved that getting round them is a pleasing side effect.

There is a last argument being advanced, that not having to pay Apple will get the creators a larger cut of the monies, and that’s good. I wouldn’t presume to argue with the idea that paying creators more is good, but Amazon are notoriously bad, over the long term, for publishers and creators, because they employ utterly shitty tactics to drive prices down. I am not convinced that a win for creators today is a net long-term gain.

I just don’t think it’s worth treating one section of your user base worse than another. It offends my professional instincts. And my personal ones, come to that. It is expressly saying “our users are nothing more than profit centres that are to be milked as hard as possible, and who will jump through as many hoops as we demand of them”. It is contemptuous.

And I’m probably not buying comics again in the near future.


Links for Monday April 28th 2014

  • Sheikh Nasr – Elephant painting an elephant.
    I am not 100% sure what I'm looking at here. As in: it is obvious that an elephant has just painted a picture of an elephant at least as well as I could. I'm wary of ascribing particular intentionality to that. That is to say I don't think it's done that because that's what it wants to paint, I think it has been trained to produce that specific painting. Which does not make it less impressive, or the elephant less majestic or intelligent, but I would like to be more sure of how the ethically the elephant was trained. But however it was trained, I think the lesson here is: Elephants are awesome, and we should leave them alone to get on with their own Elephant Business, instead of fucking up their habitats, domesticating them, and generally messing them about.