Links for Monday March 3rd 2014

Links for Tuesday February 11th 2014

  • The Year of Code’s neoliberal agenda – Adrian Short
    I completely support teaching young people a basic understand of what it means to code – I think it's an increasingly vital skill to understand, even if one does not wish to do it professionally, in much the same way I think it's a good idea to have an understand of the rough shape of legal proceedings, and how the law works, even if you're not a lawyer. What I absolutely *no not* support, as expressed on this bit of writing, is teaching the idea that it is only of value to learn a skill because it will make you money. All the skills I am proudest of, and derive the most personal satisfaction from, are the ones that I *do not want* to commercialise, and we should be teaching our kids that *learning* is good, not "skills acquisition".

Links for Friday January 31st 2014

  • 15 Ways To Improve London’s Train Network | Londonist
    I liked this. A dozen or so usability improvements to the map and sinage, and a few other idea that make a suprising amount of sense, like reopening York Road.
  • The 2014 London “Coffee Stops’ Map
    Tube map, listing the best coffee to be had near each stop. I take issue with a few of their choices, and their definition of "near" is a bit, er, different (their choice for Wimbldon, for example, is a 15 min walk up a steep hill to a place that is often *very* busy, which is more than I would want to both with if I'm just in town and want a quick coffee) but still: handy nonetheless.