- Disenchanted Comic
"Welcome to Vermintown: a vast and vile city of a million inch-tall malcontents. Sprawling through an abandoned subway station deep beneath London, here myth has given way to sleaze, drugs, gangland violence and interracial hatred. Vermintown is where magic went to die." Mr Simon Spurrier's new free-to-air webcomic. Recommended.
Author Archives: Alasdair
Links for Friday October 25th 2013
- Russell Brand on revolution: “We no longer have the luxury of tradition”
I'm not a big fan of Russell Brand, but I liked this piece, which is exceedingly quotable, but for my money, the key lines are: "The price of privilege is poverty. David Cameron said in his conference speech that profit is “not a dirty word”. Profit is the most profane word we have."
Links for Thursday October 24th 2013
- Cheaper to rent in Barcelona and commute to London…
Well, this is depressing. And horrifyingly plausible.
Links for Wednesday October 23rd 2013
- What Happens Next: A Gallimaufry | nudityandnerdery: See, what you need to…
This is a completely superb articulation of why the oft-heard cry of "but not all men are like that" in response to discussions of the shitty, awful things (some) men do is unhelpful at best, and ignorant and harmful at worst. I'm not judging anyone who has said it, because I know I have, when I was younger and stupider, and did not get the point this post is making. The linked post deserves to do the round in a big way, if only to help people be less stupid than I was.
Links for Monday October 14th 2013
- Snowman – Checkmark – Reminders for iPhone
A better reminders app for my phone. Not buying this right now, hence the bookmark, because I want to remember to pick this up another time.
Links for Friday October 11th 2013
- How to make an iBeacon out of a Raspberry Pi
Another thing to add to the list of things to do…
Links for Wednesday October 9th 2013
- iKettle – buy at Firebox.com
A colleague sent this to me as joke about my gadget freak tendencies. Sadly, I completely and unironically think this looks ace, and will almost certainly get one as soon as practical.
Links for Monday October 7th 2013
- 31 days of halloween | Atlas Obscura
I want to remember to come back and read this lot.
Why Buy Old Sounds
One of Sun Ra’s business cards, and a mantra for life.
Links for Friday October 4th 2013
- russell davies: the web, the web, the web
Follow up to the post I linked yesterday, explaining his thinking (which I agree with, and is what I took from his post) in more detail.