- Connect your cash drawer and receipt printer — Square Register
The Retail POS market in the US is getting seriously interesting. I await the day they're available in the UK with some interest. (I've spent some time dealing with retail POS solutions at work.) Mind you, it'll only get really interesting when there's an API behind their tools.
Author Archives: Alasdair
Links for Wednesday April 24th 2013
- LOAM (Locative Oral/Audio Media) | Larkfall
Under-development (Android, but here's hoping for an IOS version) platform for embedding sound data in locations, to be played back based on user's physical location, orientation and so on. Utter fascinating idea that opens up all manner hauntological/psychogeographic fun. - Coding, Fast and Slow: Developers and the Psychology of Overconfidence
This is a superb breakdown of why estimating software projects is a nightmare. It's even worse at agencies, where no client likes the prospect of "Agile". Which is a pain…
Links for Tuesday April 23rd 2013
- Kill it With Fire: why Gamification sucks and Game Dynamics rule | Philip Trippenbach
An excellent short essay on the difference between "Gamification" and actual, y'know, *fun*.
Links for Friday April 5th 2013
- Emscripten
Convert code written in other languages into Javascript - John Resig – Asm.js: The JavaScript Compile Target
Couple of work links here, of no interest to non-web nerds. Back to sleep, the lot of you.
Links for Tuesday April 2nd 2013
- Government Service Design Manual
This looks like a really good resource for people involved in web projects. It's not so much that it'll teach anyone who has been in the the business for a while anything wildly new, but it'll definitely focus some thinking.
Links for Tuesday February 26th 2013
- Feature: Find duplicate passwords / 1Password 3.8 for Mac (from AgileBits website) / Discussion Area – AgileBits Support
I still have a few places where I use a password I *know* to be bad. (It's only 8 characters long, for one thing, and for another, just using the same password in more than one place is stupid.) It's not in use anywhere I'm particularly bothered about – mostly throwaway logins, or for social networks I don't give a monkeys about, but still – I should clear it out of my life. This will help.
Links for Thursday February 21st 2013
- Scarfolk Council
This is just an unbelievably brilliant bit of, funny, creepy, beautifully realised work, that's drawing on a lot of big influences for me.
Links for Monday January 7th 2013
- The King William’s College quiz 2012 | From the Guardian | The Guardian
Every year King William's College on the Isle of Man sets its students a quiz, which they sit twice – once, sight unseen, before the Christmas break, and then again *after* the holidays (they are permitted to take the paper home and look up the answers). It has 180 questions. If you can answer more than about 2 or 3 of them without looking the answers up, you are doing well. If you can answer more that 10 without looking the answers up, you're doing *brilliantly*. This is this year's quiz – the answers should be published later this month.
Links for Wednesday December 19th 2012
- noro shop
These are lovely bits of glassware. I would love the decanter…
Links for Friday December 14th 2012
- Spaceteam: Cooperative iPhone and iPad Party Game
I think I must get this. And then find a group of friends to get this. It looks awesome