Valentin and The Widow

I’m not burying this in a linkpost. It’s too good for that.

A few years ago, for NaNoWriMo, my friend Andrew Wheeler began a pulp serial called Valentin and the Widow. I recall reading the opening chapters of it with great fondness, and I have been waiting with some eagerness ever since for him finish polishing it to the standard he wanted before he let it out into the world.

Well, he’s done it now. The first instalment of his podcast is live now – seventy minutes of pulp fun that will appear to anyone who likes a good story. I’ll shut up now, and let Andrew describe it to you.

It’s a globe-trotting 1920s adventure about plucky English aristocrat Eleanora Rosewood, brawny Russian sailor Sacha Valentin, and their fight against a secret organisation that seeks to oppress the weak and destroy the different.

Courageous women!
Sexy men!
Wicked villains!
Exotic locations!
Diabolical schemes!
Cups of tea!
And great big fights!

I cannot recommend this to you highly enough. Click the picture below to find out more, and about how to listen to it.

Valentin and the Widow by Andrew Wheeler

Links for Monday October 22nd 2012

  • Outlawed by Amazon DRM « Martin Bekkelund
    This story, if true, is just mind-blowing. Amazon have contacted a women to tell her that her account has been closed, because it has been linked with another account that has be closed "for abuse". The woman protests that she has no idea what they're talking about – she has only ever had one amazon account. Amazon refuse to tell her any more, tell her it's against their policies to divulge any further information, and inform her that if she opens any future accounts, they will be closed at all. In closing her account, they have deleted everything from her kindle, with nothing she can do about it, because they will not enter into any dialogue at all about it.