XXI Universe- Alternate Take

XXI Universe- Alternate Take

You might recall a photo of mine from some years ago, featuring a woman and a snake. It’s the most popular photo I’ve ever taken, as measured by flickr (largely because I got linked by Warren Ellis and then BoingBoing). Well, by coincidence, the lady in question happened to be performing at White Mischief the other week. So I got some new shots of her, and I rather like this one – sufficiently different to my previous work to be worth sharing, I think.



I was at this conference today, and made this notebook, in addition to sphericising tomato puree, having fun with miracle fruit, watching some extremely interesting musical performances, and making a little plasticine octopus monster. The notebook contains the phrase “Hugo was rescued from the attic of a dead magician”, which in addition to being a factual statement made by one of the speakers today, is possibly the finest story prompt I have ever heard.

Halloween I

Halloween I

Well, Goth Christmas is once again bearing down on us like a freight train full of ASBOs and sugar, and I’m cheating just slightly on 365 Bullets bullets this week, but then, no-one’s looking. I’ve got a short set of five pics that I took earlier in the month, and held over until now, because, well, they were too satisfyingly Halloween-y. I’ll be running them here on my main blog as well, because, well, why not?