
I got this link from Lyssa, who is back from her holiday. Sadly, she appears to have had a rather unfortunate automotive accident inflicted on her, which is not a good thing, although it sounds as if she’s recovering OK. Anyway, the link is to a work of brilliant and horrible genius. Visit it.


Normally, I’d dismiss this aort of thing as sappy, or saccharine, or just basically nauseating romantic twaddle, but reading.boy. reminds me of the first year with her. If I were feeling melodramatic, I’d probably capitalize that H, Her. I mean, we were engaged and all, and when we split up, I was wrecked, but y’know, it’s been a couple of years.

Still, reading .boy. really took me back to the good parts of that relationship. Edinburgh in the snow and streetlights. First night in the new flat, chilled Baileys by candlelight. Curled up on the sofa as she watched Titanic and cried as it ended while I read a book. Those snapshot moments of relationship joy, the feelings that will hang forever. Visit the site, you’ll see what I mean.

Hunger Site

Once again, I get around to updating this as I’m about to leave work. Naturally, I’ve entirely failed to find anything interesting to blog today, because I’ve spent up to my elbows in computer bits, so today’s only link is to the site that you all should have sat as your homepage, The Hunger Site. There is no reason not to.

Channel Zero

Y’know, I feel really guilty about not updating this thing often enough. I ought to starting blogging items from news sources in an effort to appear up to date and well informed, or something.

Anyway, some instructions for you: Coming later this year, a re-released and remix Channel Zero book. You must own this. This is not exaggeration in any way. It’s one of the most important works of recent years, and one that you need to pay attention to. Go here for more information.