links for 2005-10-07

  • Web 2.0 is a near-meaningless term. Means whatever the listener thinks it means. But we’re clearly in the midst of a sea change in the way people use the Web, and El Reg has an article rounding up some of the major factors that are influencing it.

  • Scott Rosenberg on the danger of another internet bubble generated by all this Web 2.0 hype.

This entry was originally published at my workblog.

Links For 2005-10-05

  • Useful tutorial on one company’s approach to maknig sure that AJAX enabled sites degrade gracefully. I’m almost at the point of sacking off support for non XMLHttpRequest clients, but still, it bears thinking about.

  • I’ve got a fair amount of sympathy with this, since I’ve grown up doing webdev rather than appdev – I don’t like putting the business logic elements on the database, I’d rather keep them in the scripting languauge which is generally higher-level and much better suited to complex logic.

This entry was originally published at my workblog.

Personal productivity

I’m slowly trying to teach myself to be organised and productive. To those of you who have seen the state of my room, and are now laughing like drains, I can only say a) I said slowly, b) that’s mostly personal detritus, and c) it’s on my to-do list, it’d just not a very high priority.

However, I’ve just turned up 43 Folders, which might be useful.

Following on from this: Workhappy merits looking at later, as does the blog Technology and the Social, I’ve been meaning to link up for a bit, despite the fact that you’re all reading it already, and I should spend a bit of time with Lifehacker, and or a purely personal basis I want to take time to read DIY photography on the cheap.

But first, I should probably tidy my room.

This entry was originally published at my workblog.

Quick Link Roundup

PHP streams – a few things I didn’t know about working with files in PHP.

5 mistakes band/label websites make – I think we’re slowly educating people away from them, but still, a handy reference for when I’m dealing with particularly stupid artists/managers.

Google blog search may balkanise the web. I don’t think it will, but it’s two topics I want to come back to at some point – balkanisation/taste-tribes and the value of blog-searching.

Web 2.0, from Abstracted Dynamics. A lengthy and well thought out piece on what this Web 2.0 business that everyone’s talking about actually is.

This entry was originally published at my workblog.