I Have The Strange Feeling I’m Being Watched

Hello to all the people who’ve friended this journal on that back of all that nonsense about chocolate. I can assure you that I’m not usually that interesting. I’m assuming you’re all grown up enough not to take it personally if I don’t friend you back, complete strangers that you are. You’re not missing much, anyway – I mostly friends lock anything I don’t want anyone I’m trying to impress to see, so if you’re after more entertaining nonsense on y’know, actual topics, you’ll get a (slightly) better content-to-drivel ratio by not seeing the friends-locked stuff. Not much better, mind, because I’m quite willing to talk rubbish in public at the drop of a hat, but slightly.


Where you can find me on-line this year:

alasdair.biz – my workblog. New media, technology, and general digital culture shit, plus the odd link I just think is funny. Updated most weekdays. LJ feed available at als_workblog. RSS feed at http://www.alasdair.biz/feed.
black-ink.org – short fictions. Only updated a few times a year, when I can’t get a thought to sod off without writing it down. Every so often, I promised myself I’ll do more, but I never seem to. Once I get the LJ feed reconnected, it’ll be at black_ink_feed. RSS feed at http://www.black-ink.org/feed.
alasdair.livejournal.com – personal life, hobbies, random crap, social interaction. RSS feed at http://alasdair.livejournal.com/data/rss.

Electricana – my main photoblog. An image or two most weeks, assuming I’ve had time to take the camera somewhere. RSS feed at http://electricana.livejournal.com/data/rss.
Flickr – the flickr account I use to hold images/power the photoblog. It gets a few more photos, if I’ve put a set up, and generally has a bit more organisation, but lacks the commentary/decent comments functionality of the LJ version. RSS feed at http://www.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=19821795@N00&format=rss_200.
Electricana.org – my portfolio site. Cherry picked images (and not many of them) from my photoblog, the ones I really feel represent the best of my photo work. RSS feed at http://www.electricana.org/index.php?x=rss.

last.fm – my last.fm account. Just in case anyone cares what I’ve been listening to lately.
upcoming.org – (some of) my social diary. Things I am (thinking of) doing. Gigs, shows, general stuff.

I’m in the process of building one website that’ll bring a lot of this together in one place, although I can’t think of a good domain name at the moment. Anyone got any suggestions?

This entry was originally published at my workblog.


Something appears to have gone wrong in my copy of Flock, because the comments don’t seem to have made it to del.icio.us even though the links have. Still, I’ve edited them back into the last post on the site, should anyone care to read my commentary on them.

This entry was originally published at my workblog.


Further to yesterday’s question, and the comments: You can now get an LJ feed of my workblog at als_workblog (I’m feeling original tonight…), and I’m going to start enabling commenting on selected entries. The basic linkbloggery that makes up about 50% of the thing is not for commenting on, but if I think there’s something worthing thinking a bit more about, then I’ll leave comments on.

Idle curiosity

How many of you, if any, read my workblog? How many of you would if someone bothered to syndicate it on LJ? This isn’t an ego thing (well, OK, maybe a little) it’s just that I started it because I didn’t want to clog people’s friends lists with dull techy/photography blogging, and I’m slowly becoming aware that a thing I more or less started as a memory dump for myself (because I thought it wouldn’t be of interest to anyone else) is picking up an audience, and I’m just curious to see if it has much, if anything, in common with my LJ friends list.

Just in case anyone gives a toss

I’ve started a workblog, which is mostly just a place to dump all those webdev and web culture related bits of nonsense that occur to me. Part of an ongoing effort to general tidy up my professional life. If you fancy keeping an eye on it, you can find it at alasdair.biz.

I mention it because from time to time, I do intend to actaully write the odd article on there, and have just put the first one “The Joy Of The Commons” up there – about the monetisation of mass amateurisation. Feel free to check it out, and tell me I’m talking out of my arse.


A couple of people I know have mentioned that they read this, despite not being on LJ/having me friended.

So, I’m curious: if you’re reading this, and haven’t got me friended, then leave a comment tell me me who you are (and, if on LJ, why you haven’t friended this journal…)

Expression in pictures.

It’s an interesting meme, innit? I mean, I can guess a few number of the words or phrases people used, or at least the gist). But the ones I’m stumped on, I haven’t the first fucking clue what people might have said.

But I had a different point with the post, and it’s this: I want icons. Bought a permanent account yesterday, and I’ve now got the Stupid Number Of Icons that comes with it. So I’ve decided to abandon my long held rule that I’ll only use pictures of me, not least because I almost never use anything but this one, and now that I have more icons that I could possibly use, that somehow seems a shame.

So, new rule: I’ll only use pictures of me, or icons based on photos I’ve taken. (Oh, and not animated ones. There many are excellent reasons why you should never use animated icons.)

Which is where you lot come in. Because I’m shit at this LJ-icon making lark, and some of you are quite good at. So, if you feel like it, head over to electricana, and make icons out of what’s there. I don’t promise I’ll use them all – if nothing else, I’ll have to get over the shock of people chopping up my beloved pictures and probably putting words all over them. But I do want some new icons, so you’re in with a pretty good chance. And if I wind up using your icon or icons a lot, then you can a) be smug, and b) claim a drink off me.

And finally: anyone who does not own Tom Middleton’s Cosmosonica Volume #1 is missing out, in a very big way.

Opinions Sought: Photo Printing

Firstly: has anyone used photobox.co.uk to get prints of digital images in the past? I think I’ve finally turned up somewhere that’ll do photo printing on demand like I want (ie. without requiring me to pay anything up front) but I’d like an idea of their quality before asking anyone to part with cash. If no-one’s tried them, I’ll order a few things myself, but I just thought I’d check first.

Secondly, and more importantly: of the photos I’ve put up to date on electricana, which are your favourites (if you’re not watching electricana, then by all means, take a quick look and tell me if anything leaps out at you)? Are there you would seriously consider buying, if they were a reasonable size/price?