
So, my entire domain appears dead from where I am, and since this is one of the few remote systems I can use to attempt remote access to anything connected with it, here’s a quick test entry that I’ll probably forget to delete later.

The Start Of The Proliferation

Vaguely contemplating half a dozen new domain names, but I have no idea what I’d do with them. I bought roadofhate knowing that I’d get tired of it fairly quickly, mostly as an experiment to see if have a proper domain name changed my attitude to my web pages. The answer appears to be no, but when I re-launch me personal site over at rain-street, I want to see how that goes, since I’m actually focusing it into being something useful and interesting, as opposed to a repository for everything.

I dunno. Getting the domains I want now might not be a bad idea, but I can’t really think of anything to do with them that would justify the expense. Perhaps I’ll wait to the new year, see how things pan out and what I’m doing.


So, I’ve got hosting for my new domain sorted out, but I’m not sure what to do with it. I’ll probably wind up using it as my main site, or at least, a direct self-promotion site, details of upcoming work and the like, and maybe using roadofhate as a vanity publisher. I’d really like to do something community based with one of them, get other people work up on a site, but I don’t really know what. So I’m still accepting sugestions.


This is starting to look distressingly weekly, rather than anything more regular, like I’d intended. And besides, I’m sure that there are more interesting things to write about that a brief summary of my weekend. Besides, I did nothing this weekend. Nothing.

A bit of work on Ninth Art, and a bit of reading. That’s it. Sad, really.