Escape Velocity

Wasting time at nowhere very special

Seems almost a part of it these days

I know every crack along the pavement

I remember what you said in ’88

You said:

‘It’s time to leave this town

The world keeps turning ’round

The only thing that keeps me here is you’
– The Levellers, ‘Leave This Town’


Running late again, I see. I’ve actually got a few things I’ve been meaning to write about on here for the last while, so I’m not really sure what to talk about. After hearing the tape at Andrea’s place yesterday, I’ve just ordered “The Sound of the Suburbs” from Amazon, and then grabbed the MP3s from a friend who had the CD already. As a result, I’m half indulging in nostalgia, and half re-discovering old friends with a new brain, after having lost my tapes of this stuff years ago. Fab.

Cave 1

So, I’ve now had time to listen to “No More Shall We Part” a few times through, I have to say that yes, it’s brilliant. Stand out tracks: “God Is In The House” and the opening “As I Sat Sadly By Her Side”. Beautiful sweeping songs on here, songs about Love and God and Religion, laced with blackness and poison and, just here and there, a vicious black humour.

In other news: I got a free trip on the London Eye yesterday, about which, more later.

Glitterbug 2

The more I listen to these Glitterbug MP3s, about a minute each of three different songs, the more they grow on me. Lyssa informs me that they’re playing in London on Monday. I really want to see these people live. So, of course, I’m busy Monday. Fucking typical, really. They’re also playing in London on Thursday. When I am also busy. Welcome to my life.


Several of my friends have been going on about Glitterbug for a while now. They’ve mostly been doing live stuff, and I’m not one for going to gigs, really, so I’ve largely missed out on them. Finally got round to stopping by their site today, and downloading the sample MP3s. If chirpy indie-pop-rock is your thing, then you’ll probably dig this. Give ’em a look.