This entry was originally published at my workblog.
Tag Archives: photography
Some interesting photographers
This entry was originally published at my workblog.
Interesting lens
Might want to pick a lensbay at some point.
This entry was originally published at my workblog.
Shooting humans:
Good news everybody! It looks like I can get the use of the photography studio in my building at weekends, which I believe also includes things like actual lighting, assuming that no paying customers have booked it. It’s almost never booked.
I’m just trying to nail down what my weekend commitments are for September, and then I’m going to start trying to schedule things. (So, erm, if you’re expecting to see me during the day on any weekends in September (or, out clubbing on a Saturday night, since that’ll probably stab the Sunday into little tiny bits), please speak up so I don’t accidentally double book myself.)
I know I’ve asked this a few times before, but I’ll do it again: is anyone willing to let me use them attempt to learn to take photos of humans? This will involve travelling to East Acton at a weekend. (But on the upside, you’ll get to visit Sunshine Desserts. How many people can say they’ve done that?)
I shall emphasise: I cannot promise that you’ll get anything useable out of it (although obviously, I hope you will). This is an excuse to have some fun with friends, and improve an area of photography that I’m not very good at. If you absolutely need photos for anything professional, go find a professional photographer. If you fancy have a laugh on a day you might otherwise not be doing anything, though, please speak up. You’ll need to bring yourself, your most stunning outfits, make up, any props you think might be funny, etc.
This is just for the purposes of building a filter for this sort of thing in order not to bore everyone else rigid, so don’t worry too much if you don’t think you can make any definite commitments for now, just, y’know, register an interest. I’m sure I’ll be trying to arrange more of these things in the months to come, if it proves to be fun.
plug_in_babe and ebmgothicgirlie you’re first on the list, so don’t worry. :)
With Friends Like These…
I am a very, very fortunate man indeed.
Andrew presented me with a card this evening. The card contained a list of names and a cheque, and an instruction to “go out there and buy a new camera”.
Circumstances had dictated that I be told that my friends were having a whipround “behind my back” as it were, but never, in my wildest dreams did I think that so many people would chip in, or that you’d all raise such a staggering amount. You’ve raised more than enough to buy me a new camera and to say that I am both touched and grateful is an understatement of some magnitude, but if I attempted to convey the depth of my gratitutde here, we’d all be horribly embarrassed.
So, the plan is this: In the next few days, I am going to go out and buy a new camera, and very importantly, some iron-clad insurance. If anyone so much as looks at the camera funny, I’m going to be claiming dammit!
And because a number people responded to my own plea for aid (which was taken down when I was told so as not to cause embarassment, but not before a number people responded to it), come payday, I am going to match what they donated via paypal and by purchasing prints, and donate the resulting amount (around the 250 pound mark – more details when I can get the money out of paypal and photobox, minus their processing fees) to cancer reseach.
I’ll say again: I am hugely touched, and unbelievably grateful to all of you who’ve helped me out.
More photography links
This entry was originally published at my workblog.
Material things.
It’s funny how we get attatched to material things, isn’t it? I mean, I have more junk than any sane man should. My room is a tip.
I got home tonight, and found the front door ajar. Someone seems to have been in, and gone through the most ovbious rooms in the flat – the downstairs hall, and my bedroom, which is at the top of the stairs.
Thankfully, my room is a tip. There was only one obvious and easily portable thing of value sitting out in the room.
My Nikon D70.
I’m in tears. I can’t afford another, and we don’t have household insurance, because I was too fucking stupid to get it sorted out in time.
I’m fucked. I owe most of a grand on a camera that I adored, and have now lost and cannot afford to replace, and I’m in tears over it. I would never have thought that loosing a material possession could fuck me up like this.
Imperfect World [Cross-posted]
I don’t usualy cross post between electricana and here, but while I was wandering London this morning, wondering vaguely how the hell I was going to get home, and what art gallery to go and stick my nose in, I ran across a statue that I’d seen before, but never taken a lot of notice of. The message on its base seemed especially relevant, and sums up my response to this sort of thing, so I thought I’d let it stand as my comment, and post it here as well.
Expression in pictures.
It’s an interesting meme, innit? I mean, I can guess a few number of the words or phrases people used, or at least the gist). But the ones I’m stumped on, I haven’t the first fucking clue what people might have said.
But I had a different point with the post, and it’s this: I want icons. Bought a permanent account yesterday, and I’ve now got the Stupid Number Of Icons that comes with it. So I’ve decided to abandon my long held rule that I’ll only use pictures of me, not least because I almost never use anything but this one, and now that I have more icons that I could possibly use, that somehow seems a shame.
So, new rule: I’ll only use pictures of me, or icons based on photos I’ve taken. (Oh, and not animated ones. There many are excellent reasons why you should never use animated icons.)
Which is where you lot come in. Because I’m shit at this LJ-icon making lark, and some of you are quite good at. So, if you feel like it, head over to electricana, and make icons out of what’s there. I don’t promise I’ll use them all – if nothing else, I’ll have to get over the shock of people chopping up my beloved pictures and probably putting words all over them. But I do want some new icons, so you’re in with a pretty good chance. And if I wind up using your icon or icons a lot, then you can a) be smug, and b) claim a drink off me.
And finally: anyone who does not own Tom Middleton’s Cosmosonica Volume #1 is missing out, in a very big way.
You’re all bored of it, I’m sure.
But I’ve been away from the computer all day, so I’m (fashionably) late again:
1) Find a word or phrase that reminds you of me.
2) Put it into Google “images”.
3) Choose a picture from the first page of answers, and paste it in this thread.
(eg: click on it, click on the small picture in the top bar, copy the url, put that into ” [img src=” “] ” in the reply box of this LJ post, only using < > these brackets instead.). Don’t tell anyone what the word was! Unless it makes the result funnier.